A read-only archive of discourse.darkjedibrotherhood.com as of Sunday May 01, 2022.

May Madness!


To satiate the fantasy needs of all, check out https://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/competitions/7793. I will email you a bracket once you enter.

Good luck; have fun!


Four entries submitted. Quick breakdown of the final four…

(Note: The colors are based on the brackets I sent out. Should make sense regardless.)

Green regional: Jac was the overwhelming favorite with 9 picks. Aabs, Cethgus, Rathus, Tarax, and Valt each received one pick.
Turquoise regional: Aidan received half the picks, 7 out of 14 boards. Troutrooper received 2 (though not from TT; idiot fish) as did Legz. Callus, Solari, and Teroch each received one pick.
Peach regional: All but one board had an Arconan winning. Wally received 5 picks, Tim got 4, Atty got 3, Sight got 1, and Revak–the lone non-Arconan picked–got one.
Gray regional: A third Taldryan gets the most picks in a regional as Halc was selected on 7 boards. Wuntila came in second with 4, Kz’set got 2, and A’lora nabbed 1.

Finals: Aidan claimed first on 4 boards, Jac got 3 firsts, and Halc got 2. Callus, Legz, Solari, Teroch, and Wally each claimed one win each. Five boards had Taldryan sweeping the podium, and two had Arcona claiming all three novae.

Good luck; have fun!


Sorry to break someone’s heart, but whoever picked me for a win is wrong :stuck_out_tongue:


Lol. I know I don’t have any taly taking any of the 4 spots


Score update!

All 16 first-round duels have been judged. Scores for our ACC bracket are…

Aidan and Yacks are tied at the top with 14 points. Chaosrain, Halc, Kz’set, Mirus, Sight, and Wuntila all have 13 points. Brimstone, Legz, Taranae, and TT each have 12. Adeodatus, Alaris, and Wally are at 11. And Aiden Dru is a bit behind with 9.

(Yes, thats 16 entrants. We had a couple late entries, which will be scored but cannot place.)

Most correctly picked winner: Jac. Taranae did admirably against one of the DB’s best, but all our money was on Jac.
Most incorrectly picked winner: Kell Palpatine. Only 2 people picked the Guardian to defeat the Primarch. But time catches up to us old folks sometimes, and Dante lagged out. Tough luck.
Busted brackets? None so far; that is, we all have our final four intact. Some had Dante winning multiple matches (myself included) and a couple others have some names further down the line already crossed out. But no one is out of it, not by a long shot.

Quick note on scoring: I’m counting this round as round 1. There will be seven rounds, scored as follows:
R1: 1 point per correct pick
R2: 2 pts
R3: 4 pts
R4: 8 pts
R5 (“regional finals”): 16 pts
R6 (“national semi-finals”): 32 pts
R7: (“national championship”): 64 pts
Apologies for any confusion.

Good luck in round 2!


Taranae did exceptional. she nearly pulled off the upset. 4.45 to 5.00. extremely close battle


Update after round 2!

Participant (# of their predicted final four still alive) = points
Kz’set (4) and Halc (4) = 59 points
TT (3) = 58
Alaris (4) and Chaosrain (4) = 57
Legz (3) = 56
Wally (4) and Wuntila (4) = 55
Yacks (4) and Aidan (4) = 54
Adeodatus (4) = 53
Mirus (4) and Sight (2) = 51
Brimstone (3) = 48
Aiden Dru (4) = 47
Taranae (2) = 44

Most correctly picked winner: Several matches were picked by all but one person (not the same person, mind you, just one person went against the trend). Jac, Tarax, Yacks, Atty, Aabs, Halc, Wun, Aidan all were chosen by everyone save one.
Most incorrectly picked winner: Aiden Dru. The Dark Jedi Knight surprised many brackets with his victory over Invictus. (Sorry, I didn’t count exactly how many. Lazy fish is lazy :D)
Busted brackets? A few, namely Taranae’s and Sight’s. But we’re only 2 rounds in out of 7. Still anyone’s contest.

The average and median number of correctly-picked matches for round 2 was 21 out of 32. For round one, 12 out of 16.


Doh, didn’t even see this. Everyone picked me to win. I feel special :smiley:

Thanks for keeping us updated TT.


Got bored and decided to take a peek at how the various units are doing in comparison to each other. These numbers are results through 3 July, so rounds 1 and 2 and round 3’s closed matches. “Self wins” and “self losses” = matches between members of the same unit.

First table are the “true wins” = completed and judged match.

True Wins ARC HOU NS PLA SP TAL TAR Wins No self wins
ARC 3 3 0 1 0 3 0 10 7
HOU 0 0 0 2 1 1 0 4 4
NS 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 2 2
PLA 2 0 0 1 0 3 0 6 5
SP 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1
TAL 3 2 0 3 0 0 0 8 8
TAR 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1
Losses 8 6 0 9 2 7 0 x x
No self losses 5 6 0 8 2 7 0 x x

Second table are all wins (true wins plus timeouts and DQs.)

All Wins ARC HOU NS PLA SP TAL TAR Wins No self wins
ARC 4 6 0 1 2 4 0 17 13
HOU 2 0 0 2 1 1 0 6 6
NS 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 2 2
PLA 3 0 1 1 1 3 0 9 8
SP 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 2 2
TAL 6 2 1 3 0 1 1 14 13
TAR 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 2 2
Losses 16 9 2 9 5 10 1 x x
No self losses 12 9 2 8 5 9 1 x x

Apologies on the funky formatting. This looks a lot better in Excel :smiley:


Round 3 update!

Ya, ya, you’re late, fishy. I realize that round 4 is almost complete. Sue me :smiley:

Participant (# of their predicted final four still alive, * = picked winner is still alive) = points
Alaris (4*) = 101
Legz (2) = 100
Wally (3*) = 99
Halc (4*) = 95
TT (1) = 94
Yacks (3*) = 94
Chaosrain (3*) = 93
Kz’set (4*) = 91
Mirus (4*) = 91
Adeodatus (3*) = 85
Wuntila (3*) = 83
Aidan (4*) = 82
Brimstone (2) = 68
Aiden Dru (2*) = 67
Sight (0) = 67
Taranae (2) = 60

Now we’re seeing brackets crumble. Probably the biggest bracket buster was Atty’s win over Marick, a fabulous battle that could have gone either way. It went to the blind one, and out went several brackets.

Note: these scores only reflect the results up to and including round 3. Only two matches of round 4 have been closed, one of which devastates many brackets.


Jac will have ruined us all! :stuck_out_tongue:


Wow… seems a lot of people had the same 3-4 people for the … elite eight? Is that correct? :stuck_out_tongue: Either way, all those timeouts done boned many of us =\


Ya. Most people had Jac, Yacks, Aidan, Tim, and Wally in the elite eight/round 5/next round after the current one. With Jac and Wally eliminated, that left a lot of broken brackets.


Well I’m basically out of contention, since I think my two left are Atyiru and Timeros, and one of them would have to eliminate the other…


I am riding that timeout train to glory :smiley:


Another round completed, another update!

Participant = Points = Final Four Remaining
Alaris = 133 = 3 left
Legz = 132 = 1
Mirus = 131 = 3
Halc = 127 = 3
Wally = 123 = 2
Yacks = 118 = 2
Kz’set = 115 = 2
Aidan = 114 = 3
TT = 110 = 0 --> Done
Chaosrain = 109 = 2
Adeodatus = 101 = 0 --> Done
Wuntila = 99 = 1
Brimstone = 92 = 2
Aiden Dru = 83 = 2
Sight = 75 = 0 --> Done
Taranae = 68 = 1

“Er, ‘–> Done’? WTF, fishy?” Three brackets are complete; that is, they have no more remaining players and have accrued all the points they will get. Someone will likely point out the beautiful symmetry in me being eliminated in both the actual tournament and this competition at the same time. Wait, I just did. Go me. Anyway, Sight, Adeodatus, and I are done. More will fall after the next round.

Jac’s timeout broke many brackets. Only 5 out of 16 had someone other than Jac winning his region, and only one person–Brimstone–has his player still alive from that region.

Good luck everyone!


Final Four time! Congrats to Yacks, Aidan, Tim, and Halc! Good luck!

Participant = Score = Finalists remaining
Mirus = 179 = 3
Halc = 175 = 3
Alaris = 165 = 2
Wally = 155 = 2
Yacks = 150 = 2
Kz’set = 147 = 2
Aidan = 146 = 2
Chaosrain = 141 = 2
Legz = 132 = 0
Aiden Dru = 115 = 2
Wuntila = 115 = 1
TT = 110 = 0
Adeodatus = 101 = 0
Brimstone = 92 = 0
Sight = 75 = 0
Taranae = 68 = 0

No one had all four finalists as no one, not even the man himself, picked Yacks to make it to the Final Four. Half picked Aidan to win his bracket, and half picked Halc to win his, and seven picked both.

Three more people are “out” of the competition, joining the three of us from last round. I did not run through the various scenarios (i.e. if Halc beats Yacks, and Tim takes third, who wins my comp?) because I don’t hate myself that much. I’ll do it for the next round :smiley:


I am a fluke!


Yacks ruins everything


I’ve known this all along!


Pfft. You might be fancy now Mavlick, but I remember you from the beginning.

Then I made you.


I think you missed a couple of pieces in the making :stuck_out_tongue:



Is this competition going to conclude? It hasn’t been updated since the the semis started.


Yes. Might be a couple more days, but I’ll finish it.


First, thanks to all who participated! For a spur of the moment comp idea, this was quite popular. Yay!

Final scores:
Name - Score
Alaris - 357
Mirus - 339
Wally - 283
Yacks - 278
Aidan - 274
Halc - 271
Chaosrain - 269
Kz’set - 211
Aiden Dru - 179
Wuntila - 147
Legz - 132
TT - 110
Adeodatus - 101
Brimstone - 92
Sight - 75
Taranae - 68

Alaris was the only person who correctly picked 2 of the 4 final placements (he had Aidan winning and Halc third). Four people had two semifinals and one finalist correct, Halc and Mirus had three semifinalists correct. Mirus was the only person to correct pick Tim to finish second.

Thanks again, everyone!