Happy Saturday Everybody! My name is Sereph Buio and I recently joined the club after receiving a bit of encouragement from a long time writing partner. This is my first time joining a club of sorts and most especially a Star Wars one! Haha! Most of my experience has been centered in the online collaborative writing groups within the Star Trek universe… so this is a little outside of my comfort zone. With that being said, since joining, I’ve genuinely been enjoying my time learning the ropes and exploring all this community has to offer. Probably the best part of this entire experience has been how amazingly welcoming and patient y’all have been in helping me to settle in and answering all of my newb questions… so thanks for that! Okay, welp, that’s all I have for now, so I bid you adu! Don’t be shy in saying hello, I always love a good conversation.
A read-only archive of discourse.darkjedibrotherhood.com as of Sunday May 01, 2022.
A Newb Saying Hello!
Hello and welcome!
Thanks for the welcome, I appreciate it!