Many years ago I was involved with this online community with the character “Droveth Kathera Vectivi”. It has been atleast 8 years since I participated in this club but I rediscovered it recently and would be interested in regaining my old character. Unfortunately my old email address associated with my account, Iyfighter469@aol.com, is lost to the ages. I have no means for recovering this email account or its password, or my character’s password on the website.
I understand if this makes in not probable or possible to recover my character, in which case I would request that I could use a new character. Knowing that I would probably not be able to get “Droveth” back, I made a new temporary account and character with this email account. I know it is not allowed to have multiple accounts, which is why I am trying to get my old one back.
I would prefer to remove the new character and recover my old one, but if its not possible to recover I would like to start over with the new one. I can try my best to remember distinguishing information about my character but it has been quite a while.
Thank you for any help you can provide.