This is the Plagueis-Tarentum Comp Forged Alliances
Team consist of the following
Doku Rivendare 4764
Pel: 48
Callus Bo’Amar: 4195
Altheseus Levathan: 4954
All posts should be made in a thread on the discussion forums with a prefix of [Forged Alliances] with your team name next to it. The leading post can be made by anyone, but should include your team members names and PINs. Any post after that should be content of the fictional run-on.
Any member posting twice in a row will disqualify his team from placing - but not participation credit (e.g. if an entire team is dead, Johnny McDarthman can post twice in a row to get his own participation at the end of the event).
Members must make 3 posts throughout the duration of the Run-On.
Posts must meet the following requirements:
-Minimum post length: 250 +/- 10 words words
-Maximum post length: 2000 +/- 10 words.
Edits may occur on a post until a follow on post has been made (follow on posts include “reserving” a space). Edits may only be made by the posts original author.
Members may reserve post, but no posts can occur until after the reserved post is written.
Judging will follow the Voice Fiction Rubric.