I am looking to get a better idea of what types of creatures or pets members associate with their characters, that they would purchase and ‘own’ in a possessions sense for any reason. In response to this, please note your character and a full list of any creatures that you would purchase in possessions to properly reflect and tell your stories. Any other suggestions or thoughts are encouraged as well related to the topic.
Pets, Creatures & You

Kah Manet would buy and own an akk wolf and a rancor at the very least.

Tasha would most likely purchase a Nexu as she would prefer to have a formidable pet that she could have to either guard her Estate or take with her on missions. The Nexu is a predator that she would see as strong and able to take down or even distract her foes. It would be a valuable asset and companion for her.

Kelly would own a Varactyl, due to the time she fictionally bought one from Utapau for a competition in which members of the clan had to bring their pet to work. However, failing that there are a number of creatures she would be interested in owning, such as;
Corellian Sand Panther
Akk dog
A bit of a list there but all should be canon or at least feature a canon section on Wookieepedia (Which we get info on other stuff from so should be fine) Really into this idea and hope you and your staff can find a fun and fair balance to bring creatures and pets into possessions.

Ras has always had a strong affinity with animals, and as such tends to keep a variety of pets. Her favorites include voorpaks and gizkas, but I’d definitely support others.
She tends to relate better to animals than other people, and her pets offer her a way to step away from what she is and what she does, and just enjoy the company of something that doesn’t care what she does for a living.

Character: Kul’tak Drol:
Desired pets:
-Vornskr - Not entirely Canon, but listed in case it would be considered.
-Cythrauls - Great bodyguards and hunters
-Krayt Draigon - The symbol of his clan, top pick if I had to choose one.
-Massifs - feasible combat companions, currently utilized in personal and clan fictions
-Reek - The first beast Zabrak are trained to ride before their Selenoren. Can be used for mounts during large scale battles, and for long trips.

Keiji Suoh. Nexu is a personal favorite. Other things to include into the pets are trainings and personalities like the droids have. Also pet armor and gear (if they even could).

Character: Ka Tarvitz.
Response: Tempting as it is to agree with the previously cited Nexu (mostly due to Fate of the Jedi), they are ill suited to my character’s lifestyle. Given how often he was usually on the move, and stuck in space, Tarvitz would likely choose something small and easy to look after. As such, I would suggest one of the following:
A shoal of Glimmerfish: As they could be easily kept in a tank due to their extremely small size and the fact it would limit them to one place he could keep track of.
A Nuna: Again, they’re relatively small and easy to look after. Plus, they lay a large number of eggs which could be useful for meals or trading, and are not inherently aggressive.
A Felinx: It’s effectively a large cat and, to quote Wookieepedia “they were often considered ideal pets, as they required little more than food, water, warmth, and affection. This made them easy to care for.”
A Keon: It’s effectively a parrot-mouse, capable of mimicking human speech while being small enough to perch on a shoulder and rest on someone’s forearm. They can adapt easily to most artificial environments and can be easily looked after by most spacers.
The only other suggestion I would personally make is a Blarth, which is effectively the Gungan version of a dog, though it is ill suited for my character unfortunately.

A’lora: Varactyl. Possibly a Acklay, Reek, Nexu, rancor.
Kasula/Ysera: Gizka (or similarly pest-like creature), possibly a Blurrg.

To echo Terran, Atyiru - and several Arconans - has a cythrual. Think space wolf.
Also, Arcona got a terentatek as a GJWX award, who you can see here. Technically, she’s controlled by the Consul, so that’d be Atty right now…While I’m sure that’s more a clan thing, and was likely mentioned among the artifacts…Yeah I’ll just put that forward.

For Kylex he’d likely have a nexu or any small feline creature.
Renna would have a dog/wolf of sorts (I dunno names ;-

Loth cat, yes we need Loth-cats.

Tebbo would have a jellyish or some other kinda of sea creature he could use for medical stuff

Tahiri would definitely buy an Akul (though fictionally she already has one, Solan, who she brought with from her home planet of Shili ), she would also possibly get a Hssiss or a Krayt Dragon, and even a Tuk’ata or Varactyl.
These would her main choices. Tahiri likes practicality, and would prefer an animal that is useful, over one that’s just for cuddles.

Vaeris Rune. He’s rarely been one for pets but given that he is entirely alone and hates people he would be interested in having something to talk to. He’s a paranoid individual and would probably support something that would either guard him (since he’s weak right now) or would act as a lookout of some kind. Suggestions are the following:
Ysalamir. He’s paranoid and is willing to take the risk of not being able to use the Force if it means others suffer the same disability. (Unsure if canon, but they’re cool.)
Vornskr. Due to them hunting using the Force one of these would definitely help protect him against other Force users if he could train it. (I’m not sure if canon or not though.)
Arrak Snake. He thinks they’re cool and it’s musical call could alert him to the presence of other people, because he hates people.
Krayt Dragon. He thinks they’re fascinating and has always wanted one, but beyond that doesn’t have an actual reason for wanting one.

Alara would own a ruping and a tusked cat at the very least for these reasons:
Ruping: she has a past with these creatures and uses her ruping Forren as transportation instead of a speeder. Her storyline has much to do with these creatures.
Tusked cat: this particular animal as a lot to do with the way Alara has been shaped now as a character. Her tusked cat Artemis is like a soul Kin to her. She is also a form of transportation when Forren is not around.

I would also love to see even a small Kryat Dragon as a pet maybe even a Loth-cat too.

Anything that mirrors real life animals would be great! Mounts as well. Also had an idea for sith spawn, created from beasts but idk how one could implement that. Higher tier pet (purple/gold) with specific aspects to choose from that outline the details of the abomination (spines, bloodlust, massive size…etc) was my thinking. And probably limit those to higher ranks. If you need any help, I’d be glad to offer any assistance


Harakoan Firemouse. Ferocious beasts.

Zujenia has a Tuggle.
But ultimately I associate her with rodent animals so any of that variety are nice.

Kat would buy a carrion bird and name him Revenant or Branwen. Kat would choose the carrion bird because she enjoys hunting with birds and also it fits her character since she would use it to send messages to other people if comms were down.

Why has no one mentioned Kowakian Monkey-Lizards???! Ya’ll should be ashamed. K’tana had both a baby rancor, which she killed, and a Kowakian Monkey-Lizard. Maenaki will be adopting said Monkey-Lizard.

My character hates hutts and everything related to them, her hutt master had one so she doesnt really want a reminder of that experience

Tuggle for certain.Death snow otter ftw

If not said already. Razor cats

Korroth intends to start breeding snakes for the purpose of medical research, mainly for the potential beneficial uses of snake venom. Skim-snakes and vine snakes are currently Canon species. Outside of research purposes, he’d keep either a song serpent or an arrak snake as a pet of sorts. He’d use their vocalisations as an aid for meditation. Both the song serpent and the arrak snake are Legends, but c’mon, singing feather-maned snakes; they’re going to be pretty popular!

Koryn owns a Dathomiri raven. The bird is currently a cornerstone to my character development with him as he uses it to support and justify his own schemes and manipulations.

Loth Wolf please.

This is tough, as every great detective has a pet. However, there are few things in the star wars universe that Mos would want to keep as a pet. Afterall, nature should keep to itself. Yet if anything, Mos would likely adopt a baby Kryat Dragon. Though once it got too big, he would have to buy a place to raise it.

A Hssiss aka darkside dragon. I’ve written having them many years ago before things changed around. Perfect pet for a crazed Sith Alchemist. Or some sort of Sithspawn like a Warbird.

Some kind of a pet that can be there when you need it just like a good friend

I would like to have my pet Kowokian Monkey lizard Spritz again. He was such a mischievous one.

Onderon pterodactyl

Vulptex and Narglatch (those snow dog things from TCW that live on Pantora)

Neimoidian Pylat Bird, aka Magic Space Cockatiel.