Hello everyone -
As I’m sure you’ve all read in the GM and DGM reports, one of the projects we’re making a push to complete is the possessions system. While we thought it might be a good idea to survey everyone, to see what kind of possessions you are currently writing your characters as fictionally “having”, so that we can make sure we’re not missing anything big in our item lists. We’ll likely take information gleaned from this thread and our item lists and do some more focused polling in the near future as well. So if you could take a minute and respond here it would be very helpful and could directly effect items offered in the new system!
The categories of items we’re talking about are:
- Armor/Clothing
- Weapons (lightsabers, blasters, grenades, melee, etc.)
- Ships/fighters
- Droids
- Other
Please take a moment, copy/paste my above list, and then fill in for category your character fictionally owns. I want to stress that these listed items need to be within reason - I don’t think any of us will realistically be owning any fleets of Star Destroyers or entire planets. Also, remember that just because something appears in this thread doesn’t necessarily mean it will definitely be in the eventual possession system when it is released. But better to bring things up now than be asking later!
Thanks everyone!