A read-only archive of discourse.darkjedibrotherhood.com as of Sunday May 01, 2022.

The lack of organization


Driving my OCD nuts. Also, if yer looking at going forward with this, should probably link unit colours to their wiki template colours.


There are about 18 colors to chose from when editing the categories. We just picked colors at random. They can be changed at any time.


@KeirdaghCantor - You’ll probably like the Categories view more than the ‘latest’ view, give it a try :smile:

Also, as @Riverche mentioned, we can quite easily change the category colors. For the testing period I picked some at random, but we have the ability to pick them either from a set of default presets, or by entering the hex RGB values.


Yeah, I tried that as well. It’s seriously just an error in my brain that makes me freak out concerning it. Like, the variable width of the Category tags based on the length of the words makes me cringe :stuck_out_tongue:

Obviously there’s nothing that can be done about that, just really miss the nested trees I guess. Also a little concerned about how chaotic it’ll get during runon times when there’s a massive amount of activity, but otherwise not really too worried about the flat-tree approach. Seems to run pretty smoothly all in all.

Re: Clan colours, http://wiki.darkjedibrotherhood.com/view/DJBCoding:House_Colors is the page I mentioned earlier.

@JamesEntar any idea how the mobile support is for this? Just wondering, I assume it’s a million times better than phpbb :stuck_out_tongue:


Thanks for the link, I will work on changing the colors to their primary and secondary.


I changed the colors. A few of the units primary and secondary colors are to close in color that the button would not be able to be read, so on those I used the primary color on the background and white or black lettering.


Looks good. Tal’s might benefit from white text though.


OK it is fixed, thanks.


@KeirdaghCantor I really like it on mobile. It’s one of those things with a “responsive” layout. Only issue I’ve seen is that it uses a different theme on mobile and web, so on phone it’s the standard white theme instead of what you see in your browser.


Correct. I haven’t gotten around to theming the mobile part yet.