A read-only archive of discourse.darkjedibrotherhood.com as of Sunday May 01, 2022.

World of Warcraft


Does the DB have a presence within this, are there any active players, i am thinking of returning to the game, getting DK withdrawals, but want to know if there would be anyone to play with, Ideally I would prefer to play with other DB members as I find some clans/guilds can be a pain.


I play pretty regularly on an Oceanic server, getting prepped for Legion.


Not enough free time anymore to play, but I’ve got several 100s on Arathor EU.

I do have Legion preordered, though am too old now for the all nighters I used to do, lol


I have set up a telegram chat to discuss this, feel free to join.



Conclusions on this?

I know this post is quite old but the top does seem to be closed and it is still of interest to an answer.


We have an EU clan on arathor, also several on us worlds. Come join the telegram chat.