Thank you to everyone who submitted to You’re Mad I Tell Ya! (Star Wars Mad Libs #1)! We had a tremendous submission level with 25 total mad-libs across the DJB. There were a lot of fantastic submissions, which I am sure you will enjoy reading below. Ultimately, we had to narrow down our favorites to three, which you can find here:
The blinded template for this mad lib was:
There is no power in the universe quite like the Force. The Force is what gives a Jedi his (adjective) power. It’s an energy field created by all (adjective) (noun). It binds the (noun) together. The Force can be used for good or (adjective). The Dark Side is (adjective) and the (adjective) Side is good! The Force (verb) a Jedi strong. To use the Force requires willpower, discipline and (adjective). A person who is strong with the Force can move objects through the air with an outstretched (body part), or read the thoughts in another person’s (body part). It takes a lot of energy to do this. Some people are born with a (adjective) connection with the Force. It’s a (adjective) compliment to say, “May the (object) be with you.”
And without further ado, here are the compiled submissions for all participants!:
Neophyte Akaarn Tayl’cor
There is no power in the universe quite like the Force. The Force is what gives a Jedi his gruntled power. It’s an energy field created by all vexed battery. It binds the valium together. The Force can be used for good or dirty. The Dark Side is frenetic and the hyper Side is good! The Force swallowed a Jedi strong. To use the Force requires willpower, discipline and manic. A person who is strong with the Force can move objects through the air with an outstretched jugular, or read the thoughts in another person’s frenulum. It takes a lot of energy to do this. Some people are born with a sanguine connection with the Force. It’s a gloomy compliment to say, “May the pencil be with you.”
Battlemaster Shadow Nighthunter
There is no power in the universe quite like the Force. The Force is what gives a Jedi his hot power. It’s an energy field created by all crazy Mandalorian. It binds the man together. The Force can be used for good or fast. The Dark Side is stunning and the silly Side is good! The Force fire a Jedi strong. To use the Force requires willpower, discipline and handsome. A person who is strong with the Force can move objects through the air with an outstretched chest, or read the thoughts in another person’s face. It takes a lot of energy to do this. Some people are born with a long connection with the Force. It’s a huge compliment to say, “May the chain gun be with you.”
Acolyte Oric Ral
There is no power in the universe quite like the Force. The Force is what gives a Jedi his envious power. It’s an energy field created by all lackadaisical bubble. It binds the baby together. The Force can be used for good or decayed. The Dark Side is vivacious and the mammoth Side is good! The Force overflow a Jedi strong. To use the Force requires willpower, discipline and juicy. A person who is strong with the Force can move objects through the air with an outstretched uvula, or read the thoughts in another person’s lobe. It takes a lot of energy to do this. Some people are born with a naughty connection with the Force. It’s a rotten compliment to say, “May the postcard be with you.”
Mystic Darkblade
There is no power in the universe quite like the Force. The Force is what gives a Jedi his fat power. It’s an energy field created by all gloomy boyfriend. It binds the sheep together. The Force can be used for good or impressive. The Dark Side is putrid and the edible Side is good! The Force breed a Jedi strong. To use the Force requires willpower, discipline and sizzling. A person who is strong with the Force can move objects through the air with an outstretched feet, or read the thoughts in another person’s neck. It takes a lot of energy to do this. Some people are born with a vivid connection with the Force. It’s a delicious compliment to say, “May the banana be with you.”
Seer Atra “Xue Long” Ventus
There is no power in the universe quite like the Force. The Force is what gives a Jedi his malicious power. It’s an energy field created by all entrancing Sith. It binds the Jedi together. The Force can be used for good or energetic. The Dark Side is submissive and the evanescent Side is good! The Force tickle a Jedi strong. To use the Force requires willpower, discipline and sensitive. A person who is strong with the Force can move objects through the air with an outstretched feet, or read the thoughts in another person’s hips. It takes a lot of energy to do this. Some people are born with a tyrannical connection with the Force. It’s a unyielding compliment to say, “May the feather-duster be with you.”
Acolyte Arsolimese
There is no power in the universe quite like the Force. The Force is what gives a Jedi his shiny power. It’s an energy field created by all purple house. It binds the turkey together. The Force can be used for good or tiny. The Dark Side is flat and the nasty Side is good! The Force running a Jedi strong. To use the Force requires willpower, discipline and dark. A person who is strong with the Force can move objects through the air with an outstretched shin, or read the thoughts in another person’s foreskin. It takes a lot of energy to do this. Some people are born with a malignant connection with the Force. It’s a poor compliment to say, “May the drinking straw be with you.”
Savant Zachary O’Maille
There is no power in the universe quite like the Force. The Force is what gives a Jedi his golden power. It’s an energy field created by all rigidly lightsaber. It binds the Twi’lek together. The Force can be used for good or generous. The Dark Side is attractive and the superb Side is good! The Force gyrate a Jedi strong. To use the Force requires willpower, discipline and sensual. A person who is strong with the Force can move objects through the air with an outstretched head, or read the thoughts in another person’s pinky toe. It takes a lot of energy to do this. Some people are born with a purple connection with the Force. It’s a powerful compliment to say, “May the beer be with you.”
Knight Ryan Neale
There is no power in the universe quite like the Force. The Force is what gives a Jedi his porpoise-like power. It’s an energy field created by all sanguine three-toed sloth. It binds the ghost together. The Force can be used for good or torus-shaped. The Dark Side is melancholy and the angst-ridden Side is good! The Force encompass a Jedi strong. To use the Force requires willpower, discipline and frosty. A person who is strong with the Force can move objects through the air with an outstretched weenis, or read the thoughts in another person’s ear-lobe. It takes a lot of energy to do this. Some people are born with a defenestrated connection with the Force. It’s a libidinous compliment to say, “May the fountain pen be with you.”
Savant Edgar Drachen
There is no power in the universe quite like the Force. The Force is what gives a Jedi his big power. It’s an energy field created by all red Jedi. It binds the cat together. The Force can be used for good or small. The Dark Side is quick and the slippery Side is good! The Force running a Jedi strong. To use the Force requires willpower, discipline and big. A person who is strong with the Force can move objects through the air with an outstretched feet, or read the thoughts in another person’s nose. It takes a lot of energy to do this. Some people are born with a foul connection with the Force. It’s a blue compliment to say, “May the rock be with you.”
Knight Aul Celsus
There is no power in the universe quite like the Force. The Force is what gives a Jedi his slimy power. It’s an energy field created by all repugnant walrus. It binds the monkfish together. The Force can be used for good or pungent. The Dark Side is manic depressive and the megalomaniacal Side is good! The Force eviscerate a Jedi strong. To use the Force requires willpower, discipline and plump. A person who is strong with the Force can move objects through the air with an outstretched gluteus, or read the thoughts in another person’s armpit. It takes a lot of energy to do this. Some people are born with a furry connection with the Force. It’s a bald compliment to say, “May the toothbrush be with you.”
Ranger Korroth
There is no power in the universe quite like the Force. The Force is what gives a Jedi his kriffing power. It’s an energy field created by all asthmatic pizzazz. It binds the sail-barge together. The Force can be used for good or bombad. The Dark Side is disturbing and the serendipitous Side is good! The Force yodel a Jedi strong. To use the Force requires willpower, discipline and slimy. A person who is strong with the Force can move objects through the air with an outstretched lekku, or read the thoughts in another person’s wattle. It takes a lot of energy to do this. Some people are born with a flappy connection with the Force. It’s a undulating compliment to say, “May the electrobinoculars be with you.”
Mystic Aiden Lee Deshra
There is no power in the universe quite like the Force. The Force is what gives a Jedi his ghastly power. It’s an energy field created by all glittery Count Chocula. It binds the Eminem together. The Force can be used for good or crispy. The Dark Side is crotchety and the rambunctious Side is good! The Force plowing a Jedi strong. To use the Force requires willpower, discipline and mo-rouse. A person who is strong with the Force can move objects through the air with an outstretched uvula, or read the thoughts in another person’s mastoid. It takes a lot of energy to do this. Some people are born with a loud connection with the Force. It’s a serene compliment to say, “May the paint brush be with you.”
Major Ranarr Kul
There is no power in the universe quite like the Force. The Force is what gives a Jedi his hard power. It’s an energy field created by all fast mountain. It binds the dog together. The Force can be used for good or small. The Dark Side is scary and the cold Side is good! The Force bounce a Jedi strong. To use the Force requires willpower, discipline and tiny. A person who is strong with the Force can move objects through the air with an outstretched ear, or read the thoughts in another person’s nose. It takes a lot of energy to do this. Some people are born with a gorgeous connection with the Force. It’s a dark compliment to say, “May the sword be with you.”
Battlemaster Rulvak Qurroc
There is no power in the universe quite like the Force. The Force is what gives a Jedi his valid power. It’s an energy field created by all valiant vial. It binds the vibraphone together. The Force can be used for good or vast. The Dark Side is valorous and the vacillaing Side is good! The Force vie a Jedi strong. To use the Force requires willpower, discipline and valued. A person who is strong with the Force can move objects through the air with an outstretched vertebrae, or read the thoughts in another person’s vulva. It takes a lot of energy to do this. Some people are born with a vaporish connection with the Force. It’s a vanilla compliment to say, “May the vessel be with you.”
Major Len Iode
There is no power in the universe quite like the Force. The Force is what gives a Jedi his explosive power. It’s an energy field created by all saucy Force. It binds the user together. The Force can be used for good or bent. The Dark Side is rusty and the crusty Side is good! The Force lick a Jedi strong. To use the Force requires willpower, discipline and gangrenous. A person who is strong with the Force can move objects through the air with an outstretched wenis, or read the thoughts in another person’s leg. It takes a lot of energy to do this. Some people are born with a brackish connection with the Force. It’s a lemony compliment to say, “May the scalpel be with you.”
Savant K’tana
There is no power in the universe quite like the Force. The Force is what gives a Jedi his adorable power. It’s an energy field created by all dangerous savant. It binds the Force together. The Force can be used for good or powerful. The Dark Side is curious and the cautious Side is good! The Force flowing a Jedi strong. To use the Force requires willpower, discipline and majestic. A person who is strong with the Force can move objects through the air with an outstretched lekku, or read the thoughts in another person’s fingertips. It takes a lot of energy to do this. Some people are born with a graceful connection with the Force. It’s a atrocious compliment to say, “May the deathdildo/lightsaber be with you.”
Knight Lilith Alema’rha Versea-Stormwind
There is no power in the universe quite like the Force. The Force is what gives a Jedi his young power. It’s an energy field created by all new lightsaber. It binds the spaceport together. The Force can be used for good or big. The Dark Side is bright and the shiny Side is good! The Force run a Jedi strong. To use the Force requires willpower, discipline and long. A person who is strong with the Force can move objects through the air with an outstretched nipple, or read the thoughts in another person’s knee. It takes a lot of energy to do this. Some people are born with a loud connection with the Force. It’s a sour compliment to say, “May the vibroknife be with you.”
Privateer Xeipha
There is no power in the universe quite like the Force. The Force is what gives a Jedi his slimy power. It’s an energy field created by all slippery lightsaber. It binds the AT-AT together. The Force can be used for good or hard. The Dark Side is long and the hairy Side is good! The Force thrust a Jedi strong. To use the Force requires willpower, discipline and shiny. A person who is strong with the Force can move objects through the air with an outstretched lekku, or read the thoughts in another person’s tongue. It takes a lot of energy to do this. Some people are born with a overpowered connection with the Force. It’s a scrawny compliment to say, “May the blaster be with you.”
Opted Out
There is no power in the universe quite like the Force. The Force is what gives a Jedi his red power. It’s an energy field created by all hot mouse. It binds the lightbulb together. The Force can be used for good or smoky. The Dark Side is light and the messy Side is good! The Force jump a Jedi strong. To use the Force requires willpower, discipline and pretty. A person who is strong with the Force can move objects through the air with an outstretched finger, or read the thoughts in another person’s toe. It takes a lot of energy to do this. Some people are born with a soft connection with the Force. It’s a round compliment to say, “May the bottle be with you.”
Acolyte Tahiri Drakon Night-Thorn
There is no power in the universe quite like the Force. The Force is what gives a Jedi his sinister power. It’s an energy field created by all hilarious Sith. It binds the droid together. The Force can be used for good or cocky. The Dark Side is zippy and the metal Side is good! The Force meditate a Jedi strong. To use the Force requires willpower, discipline and jumping. A person who is strong with the Force can move objects through the air with an outstretched eye, or read the thoughts in another person’s elbow. It takes a lot of energy to do this. Some people are born with a cocky connection with the Force. It’s a fluffy compliment to say, “May the lightsaber be with you.”
Mystic Marcus Kiriyu
There is no power in the universe quite like the Force. The Force is what gives a Jedi his strong power. It’s an energy field created by all powerful galaxy. It binds the humans together. The Force can be used for good or encompassing. The Dark Side is protecting and the focused Side is good! The Force heard a Jedi strong. To use the Force requires willpower, discipline and attacking. A person who is strong with the Force can move objects through the air with an outstretched chest, or read the thoughts in another person’s head. It takes a lot of energy to do this. Some people are born with a controlling connection with the Force. It’s a special compliment to say, “May the astrodroid be with you.”
Mystic Kaayn Salis
There is no power in the universe quite like the Force. The Force is what gives a Jedi his beautiful power. It’s an energy field created by all edible elephant. It binds the academy together. The Force can be used for good or sleeveless. The Dark Side is adorable and the beautiful Side is good! The Force flow a Jedi strong. To use the Force requires willpower, discipline and nicer. A person who is strong with the Force can move objects through the air with an outstretched arm, or read the thoughts in another person’s leg. It takes a lot of energy to do this. Some people are born with a meaningless connection with the Force. It’s a breakable compliment to say, “May the box be with you.”
Battlemaster Ophelia Delacroix
There is no power in the universe quite like the Force. The Force is what gives a Jedi his today power. It’s an energy field created by all the Force. It binds the monkey together. The Force can be used for good or is. The Dark Side is going and the to Side is good! The Force steal a Jedi strong. To use the Force requires willpower, discipline and all. A person who is strong with the Force can move objects through the air with an outstretched toe, or read the thoughts in another person’s nails. It takes a lot of energy to do this. Some people are born with a after connection with the Force. It’s a escaping compliment to say, “May the zoo be with you.”
Augur Sanguinius Tsucyra Entar
There is no power in the universe quite like the Force. The Force is what gives a Jedi his Sang power. It’s an energy field created by all Sang Sang. It binds the Sang together. The Force can be used for good or Sang. The Dark Side is rocks and the you Side is good! The Force every a Jedi strong. To use the Force requires willpower, discipline and night. A person who is strong with the Force can move objects through the air with an outstretched five, or read the thoughts in another person’s times. It takes a lot of energy to do this. Some people are born with a a connection with the Force. It’s a night compliment to say, “May the Sang be with you.”
Opted Out
There is no power in the universe quite like the Force. The Force is what gives a Jedi his stretchy power. It’s an energy field created by all chewie girl. It binds the boy together. The Force can be used for good or nasty. The Dark Side is moldy and the colorful Side is good! The Force kick a Jedi strong. To use the Force requires willpower, discipline and grotesque. A person who is strong with the Force can move objects through the air with an outstretched tonsil, or read the thoughts in another person’s tongue. It takes a lot of energy to do this. Some people are born with a icky connection with the Force. It’s a round compliment to say, “May the banana be with you.”